The Business Reboot

  • Business Coaches for Entrepreneurs

  • Forbes Small Business Advisory Board Members

  • Podcast Hosts

Corry and Melissa love to speak on: 

Running Businesses through shifting seasons, Offer Suites that Scale, Customer Journies, Strategic Pricing.

Meet Corry Frazier and Melissa Pepin of The Business Reboot

Corry and Melissa deliver business solutions with Southern charm and are dedicated helping business owners run wildly successful businesses without compromising the integrity of their lives. With over 20 years of combined experience, Corry and Melissa know a thing or two about shifting seasons. From starting and growing thriving businesses, raising babies, moving a bazillion times, and enduring dramatic shifts in their entrepreneurial journeys they have paved a way for success on their own terms. They know that if you can fall in love with the BUSINESS of your business, you can thrive no matter what season you’re navigating.


Featured Keynotes and Workshops:

Strategic Pricing: Assessing Your Offers for Longevity 

Many entrepreneurs grapple with the complexities of their offers and pricing. Enter Corry and Melissa, a business coaching duo bringing a unique blend of kindness, understanding, tough love, and unwavering honesty to the stage. As trusted partners and devoted cheerleaders to their clients, they offer a transformative session tailored for event hosts dedicated to empowering small business owners.

This enlightening session is designed to help entrepreneurs reevaluate the offer structures of their unique business. Whether the audience has outgrown their current offerings, underpriced their services, or sense it's time for a change, Corry and Melissa provide the roadmap to business sustainability. With a keen understanding of the delicate balance required for success, they help businesses navigate sticking points and develop a plan for sustainable profit.

  • Offer Assessment: Explore the viability of current offers with a keen eye for financial success, so you can stop trying to create new offers on a whim.

    Data-driven Insights: Delve into the numbers, bridging the gap between what is made and what is needed, so you can make informed decisions for your business's financial health.

    Goal-driven Strategies: Witness the art of reverse engineering financial goals, illustrated with a live example business owner, empowering you to set and achieve realistic milestones.

    Pricing for Growth: Uncover the secrets of pricing for growth, emphasizing the importance of profit for sustainable expansion and preventing burnout, so you can scale your business with confidence.

    Pricing for Generosity: Discover the strategic approach to pricing for generosity, creating a buffer to serve behind the scenes and contribute positively to the world, so your business becomes a force for GOOD.

The Client Journey: From Transactional to Transformational

In the world of business ownership, many entrepreneurs find themselves on a frustrating journey lacking a well-mapped plan for their client experience. It's a complex process that extends far beyond mere transactions—it's about understanding the problems you solve, effectively communicating solutions, and nurturing relationships for long-term loyalty. However, far too often, business owners are running on autopilot, sacrificing quality for quantity and missing opportunities for growth and improvement.

In this enlightening session, they dive deep into the challenges faced by business owners—fear of losing clients, stuck in comparison traps, overwhelmed by choices, and struggling to say no to bad-fit opportunities. Corry and Melissa offer a solution-focused approach to clear out the clutter and tap into the empathy needed to truly understand and serve ideal customers. By leveraging data insights and intentional strategies, they guide business owners to align their offerings with client needs, elevate their customer service experience, and cultivate lasting relationships.

  • Understanding Customer Needs: Gain insights into your customer's desires and market explicitly to meet those needs, thus increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Elevating Customer Service: Establish non-negotiable standards for exceptional customer service and client experience, fostering stronger relationships and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

    Maximizing Client Journey: Discover strategies to elongate the client journey, fostering repeat business and long-term relationships, leading to increased revenue and sustainability.

    Setting Yourself Apart: Stand out from the competition by prioritizing personal relationships, impactful service, giving back, and creating positive emotional experiences for your clients, thereby enhancing brand reputation and differentiation.

Staying in Love with Your Business Through the Seasons, Not Just for a Season

For many business owners, success often comes at a high cost—sacrificing relationships, mental health, and work-life balance. In this thought-provoking presentation, Corry and Melissa delve into the vital concept of maintaining passion and resilience in your business journey, not just for a fleeting moment, but through every season of growth and change. Building a business isn't just about achieving success; it's about navigating pivots, maturing in both work and life, anticipating market shifts, and adapting to economic factors. Sometimes it means expanding your offerings, while other times it requires a complete reboot or even burning down old structures to renew your love for what you offer and how you serve.

This presentation aims to empower business owners to take a hard, honest look at their businesses, audit what's working and what isn't, and craft a sustainable plan that will weather all the changing seasons ahead. Because those who stay in business not only thrive themselves but also have the power to give back to the world in significant ways. Join Corry and Melissa as they guide you on a journey to keep your business doors open, bring home more profits, and ultimately make a lasting impact in the world around you.

  • Adapting to Change: Learn how to navigate pivots, market shifts, and economic factors to keep your business resilient and thriving through all seasons, ensuring long-term sustainability and success.

    Auditing Your Business: Take a critical look at your business operations, identifying what's working and what isn't, to create a sustainable plan for long-term success, maximizing efficiency and profitability.

    Renewing Your Passion: Discover strategies for reigniting your love for your business, whether through expansion, rebooting, or reinvention, to ensure continued fulfillment and purpose, driving motivation and creativity.


Linda Perry


Star Hansen