Linda Perry

  • Master Mindset Coach

  • Business Strategist

  • Recovering Attorney

  • Podcast Host

Linda Perry loves to speak on: 

Leadership, Team Buiding, Vision-casting, Why, Multi-Generational Teams, Becoming a Self-Driven CEO, Leadership Confidence, Mindset


Meet Linda Perry

When Linda Perry takes the stage, the room shifts dramatically. As a Master mindset coach, business strategist, speaker, and recovering attorney, Linda's presence captivates the audience, compelling everyone to lean forward in anticipation of her transformative insights. Her energy masterfully blends depth with levity, ensuring that profound topics are explored with both seriousness, storytelling and a sprinkle of humor.

Linda's approach is akin to that of a wise parent mixed with a trusted counselor. With her background as an attorney, she provides a supportive, reassuring presence, always ready to challenge you with the tough questions that lead you to discover not just where you need to go, but who you need to become. Her method is both nurturing and assertive, encouraging growth without overstepping, making you feel thoroughly supported yet free to explore your potential.

Linda excels in working with the people-pleasing, over-giving, hardworking, super intentional, smart service-providing business owners who thrive in ego-driven industries. These individuals seek to make a significant impact, akin to the major players in their fields but are intent on maintaining their soulfulness and integrity in the process. Linda has guided hundreds to crack their personal success code, enabling them to achieve greater freedom, earn more, and maintain balance.

In her sessions, you’ll experience a unique blend of emotional resonance and strategic clarity. You won't just leave inspired; you'll be equipped with actionable insights to make a profound impact in your business and life, mirroring the success of the big players while preserving your core values.


Featured Keynotes and Workshops:

Clarity for the Self-Driven CEO: Uncover Your Path to Success

Many business owners feel stuck and uncertain about their next steps, struggling to reach their financial goals despite making numerous changes. Maybe they followed all of the guru’s strategies that promised success or the latest trending marketing tactic. Instead of overnight success, they find themselves frustrated and no real progress to show for it. In this transformative session, Linda Perry will uncover the hidden blocks holding business owners back and guide them to reconnect with their true vision, without the one-size-fits-all strategy. This talk will provide the clarity needed for CEOs to make confident decisions and focus efforts, and resources, where they matter most.

    • Gain clarity on your personal vision and destination so that you can align your actions with your true purpose.

    • Understand the steps needed to reach your goals so that you can create a clear and actionable roadmap for success.

    • Identify the specific obstacles preventing progress so that you can overcome them effectively.

    • Make confident decisions aligned with your true purpose so that you can lead with conviction and assurance.

    • Know where to focus your efforts for maximum impact so that you can achieve your best success yet.

The Leader’s Blueprint: Enhancing Team Performance and Communication

Many CEOs and business owners struggle with getting their teams to perform effectively, often asking, "How do I get my team to do what I need them to do?" This session provides the tools to enhance your team's performance, consistently, across the board. By first helping you understand your own strengths and potential blocks that keep you from being a self-driven leader, you’ll be able to lead any team to the finish line. Most teams fail due to a lack of clear vision and understanding of individual motivations. This talk will break down the often overlooked anatomy of a great team, centering you on your vision to communicate it clearly and effectively.

    • Understand your own strengths and potential blocks so that you can lead more effectively.

    • Learn the anatomy of a great team so that you can build a cohesive and high-performing group.

    • Discover the importance of understanding each team member’s motivations so that you can foster better collaboration and communication.

    • Create open communication channels focused on core motivations so that your team can work together more harmoniously.

    • Ensure you have the right team members in the right roles so that you can set clear goals, establish accountability, and achieve collective success.

Leading with Clarity: Uniting and Maximizing a Multigenerational Team

In today’s dynamic workforce, CEOs face the challenge of uniting team members across generational divides, from seasoned professionals to the emerging Gen Z workforce. This talk shifts the focus from leadership alone to building a cohesive team that thrives on diversity and clear communication. Linda Perry will guide CEOs through the complexities of modern team dynamics, especially highlighting strategies to bridge age gaps without judgment and enhance overall team functionality. This session is crucial for leaders who need their teams to execute tasks efficiently and harmoniously, regardless of age differences.

    • Develop strategies to improve communication across generational divides, ensuring all team members are heard and valued.

    • Build a strong team culture that leverages the unique strengths of each generation.

    • Learn to maximize each team member's individual strengths to enhance team performance.

    • Master effective communication techniques that resonate across different age groups to foster a collaborative environment.

    • Implement actionable steps to ensure all team members understand and execute tasks efficiently.

Stories That Steal Your Confidence: Rewriting the Narrative for Success

For many driven individuals, achieving milestones like the six-figure mark is only part of the journey. "Stories That Steal Your Success" is tailored for those ready to tackle the next level but feel hindered by unseen barriers. Linda Perry explores the subtle yet powerful narratives of imposter complex and the particulars of embracing success. This session is perfect for anyone seeking to align their internal confidence with their external achievements, helping you navigate and transform the self-doubts that may arise as you step into larger roles and bigger rooms.

    • Identify and understand the mindset blocks that prevent reaching your full potential, so you can begin to address them effectively.

    • Learn to distinguish between the stories in your head and the reality of your achievements, empowering you to rewrite your success narrative.

    • Shift your beliefs around these blocks, changing how you view yourself and your capabilities.

    • Discover actionable steps to change your mindset, fostering a stronger, more confident approach to new challenges and greater successes.


The Business Reboot