Public Speaking Coaching to Scale Your Influence

Blueprint Strategy Intensive + Speaker Gameplan

You've worked hard to build a brand you're proud of, and you're ready to be more visible as the face of your company...

….but you want to make sure that you're taking this leap with intentionality. We firmly believe in the duality of speaking around here.

You can make a powerful impact on your audience
while scaling your business at the same time.

We know you have an important message to share and we would be honored to help you unearth it, craft it, and deliver it to the people you've been called to serve.

You’ve tried speaking but you’re not seeing the results you want.

Maybe you’re frustrated with speaking because….

  • Sharing about a new summit every other week is burning out the email list you worked so hard to build.

  • You’re spending more money on travel arrangements and hotel stays than you’re actually getting paid to speak.

  • You’re tired of paying for five-figure masterminds just to ‘get in the room’ where a speaking connection might happen.

  • Podcast interviews feel repetitive and you’re not excited to share about them with your audience when they go live.

It’s left you spinning your wheels wondering what you should be speaking on, where you to find the events, and how to monetize it all.

What if you had an exact plan to scale with speaking?

A plan that was custom-made for your business and your unique message.


  • What your speaker brand is and why events need you as a speaker

  • How to leverage speaking to grow your business, not just fill your calendar

  • What topics you should be speaking on to hit your business goals

  • What types of events you should be speaking at

  • How to position yourself as an in-demand speaker right now

  • What to include on your speaker page to book more engagements

  • How to confidently pitch yourself to speaking opportunities without questioning your value

  • How to structure your speaker packaging and pricing to sell

I’ve traveled the country sharing my story for over 17 years and dedicated the 8 years to scaling small businesses from the stage. Now? I’m going to become your secret weapon for speaking like a pro, so you increase your influence with confidence.

The Blueprint Intensive is uniquely designed to get my eyes directly on your business.

How the Blueprint Intensive works

We’ll ask you #allthequestions and begin to audit your current speaking assets. We’ll get clear on what’s working and what isn’t. Diving into your existing speaking materials PRIOR to our call allows us to do some preliminary work and make the most of our time together.


We’ll meet one-on-one for a dive-deep virtual intensive. We’ll buckle down via video conferencing to get the work done, together. You’ll have my undivided attention and my hands on your business to tackle what is most important to you. During this call, we’ll interview you, review our findings, and apply our speak-to-scale framework to your unique business. This is speaker consulting for your unique business.


We'll compile our findings along with your custom speaker strategy into a personalized Speak to Scale Blueprint. You’ll have the exact plan you need to grow your business with speaking. You can dive into implementing the plan, hand off the blueprint to your team to help you, or our team can help you put your plan into action with private speaker brand management.


Identify your speaking sticking points and build a speaking blueprint unique to you.

✨ Plus! as part of your blueprint intensive, you’ll also receive:

  • Swipe Files, Personalized Templates, and Scripts Galore that you can use again and again for future speaking engagements

  • You’ll receive 30 days of virtual support to help answer any questions and support you as you put your blueprint into action.

This blueprint is perfect for you if…

🤍 You have a clear offer (or impact) that you want to scale by speaking on podcasts, summits, virtual events, in-person events, retreats, or self-hosted events, such as...

  • increasing brand awareness about your agency and generating leads

  • getting more clients in your program

  • selling your signature course

  • increasing membership subscriptions

  • growing your email list with targeted leads

  • selling copies of your book

🤍  You are clear on who your offer is for. You know exactly who your ideal client is, and you can describe them in detail.

🤍  You have a signature method or a tried-and-true process for getting your clients/audience results (and they sing your praises about it!). 

🤍  You are dedicated to being transparent and responsive throughout the entire process, which includes...

  • being open about your goals and expectations from the beginning so that we know how to best prepare for the intensive and support you along the way

  • completing prep work thoroughly, and on time, so that we can prepare BEFORE the intensive and maximize our time together

  • being open, coachable, and focused on calls so that we can move through the process quickly and exceed your expectations

  • being responsive between calls so that we meet all set deadlines

Count me in! How do I get started?

Due to the intimate nature of the program, participants are hand-selected via application to ensure a good fit for both parties. Apply below!

The investment for the Speak to Scale Blueprint intensive plus 30 days of virtual support is $2500.

One month from now, you could have the exact strategy and implementation plan to position and market yourself as a speaker, pitch yourself to event hosts, and navigate negotiations with confidence.