Speaking Strategy & Management Agency Services

Presentations, PR strategy, coaching, and management for the busy speaker (that’s you 😉)

Your one-stop shop for speaker strategy & brand management

Our speaking agency is on a mission to turn best-kept secret speakers into industry thought leaders. If you’re ready to share your message and scale your business through speaking — but don’t have the time or resources to make it work — we can help.

How the Speak to Scale Agency works

We’ll kick things off with a Blueprint Intensive.* That’s a 1:1 strategy session and speaker game plan tailor-made for you and your business!



Let’s make your next presentation the best you’ve ever had. 

Whether you’re updating an existing talk or crafting a new one, we’ll do the heavy lifting for you.



Researching opportunities, pitching, booking, and managing events…who has the time?! 

We do. We got you covered! Choose to upgrade into our ongoing speaker management packages and we’ll take it from here.

Starting at $2500/month


(Available ONLY to those who’ve completed an intensive or presentation development service)

Our speaking agency services span speaker management, booking, and PR*, including:

  • Presentation development & slide deck preparation

  • Private 1:1 coaching calls as needed

  • PR support from our in-house publicist

  • Opportunity scouting and pitching

  • Speaker representation

  • Unlimited Slack access

  • Expert review and feedback on your talk

  • Custom speaker email address

  • Complimentary access to our Speak to Scale Shop

  • Speaker website listing

*Clients who have completed an intensive or presentation development program (and only those clients 😉) can choose to continue working with us as their speaker management & booking team.

We’re here to help speakers get results

  • Featured on Entrepreneur, Home and Gardens, Business Insider, and more.

  • Increase on-stage conversions to from 40% to 90%

  • 5x their speaker fee and consistently close new opportunities

  • Turn one paid speaking opportunity into a list of new opportunities

Our Clients Have Been Seen On…

With The Speak to Scale Agency, you get…

Access to long-running press connections and speaker relationships

A strong speaker support team that’s all on the same page (no more juggling multiple people!)

Personalized speaker support (no cookie-cutter strategy or templates here)

More time back in your day to focus on sharing your message and scaling your biz

Speaking experts who know how to find, pitch, close, and manage a speaking deal

Increased visibility and reach in your space (so you can book more opps and find more fans!)

The bottom line? We’re the all-in-one speaker support team that’ll help you crush it on and off the stage.

Want to book our fabulous speakers for your next event? Learn more about them on our Speakers page!


Don’t see your question answered here? Contact us and we’ll help you out!

  • Are you a business owner who wants to share your message, grow your revenue, and position yourself as an expert in your space…but you don’t have time to figure all that out? We’re here for you!

    We take the heavy lifting of speaking strategy, pitching, and management off your plate so you can accomplish your speaking goals.

  • We’ve been in the business of speaking AND supporting speakers for a long time. Like, decades. We know what we’re doing while delivering a talk and behind-the-scenes. You get our expertise and perspective on and off the stage because we’ve been in your shoes before!

    We also don’t cram you into a one-size-fits-all speaker strategy or event list. We choose the right talks, presentations, opportunities, contracts, etc. that fit your goals.

  • We want you set up for success BEFORE we start management. Speaking is a tool that amplifies what you’re doing and we want to amplify your BEST. Starting with a strategy intensive allows us to dive right into your management package without a long ‘set up’ period.

    For some people, the agency may *not* be your next best step when it comes to speaking. The intensive will help you get crystal clear on what you do (and do not) need to do to scale with speaking. If after receiving your plan you realize you and your team can implement it without us, awesome!

  • Totally fair point. We get it. (That’s why we got into this business 😉) We know how busy our clients are, so we make every minute count.

    That’s why we lean on tools like Slack and Loom videos to coach you and share feedback between our private coaching calls. Trust us, if you have a full calendar, we’ll work around it.

  • Great! Book a call now and let’s get this show on the road! We start every project with our Blueprint Intensive before we move into opportunity research, pitching, etc.