Dr. Hortencia Jimenez

  • Professor & Sociologist

  • Wellness Coach

  • Published Author

  • Podcaster and Radio Show Co-Host

Dr. Jiménez Loves to Speak on:

Dismantling Diet Culture, Building Healthy Communities from a Non-Diet Approach that Ignite Individual and Collective Change, Honoring YOURSELF Through Holistic Self Care Practices, Thriving Together: Student Parents’ Journey to Holistic Wellbeing and Academic Achievement

Meet Dr. Hortencia Jiménez 

Dr. Jiménez is a speaker and sociologist dismantling diet culture and transforming the way latinx communities care for themselves. Born in Nayarit, México, and raised in Watsonville, California. She spent her childhood summers and teenage years working in the fields, picking raspberries alongside her grandmother. She received her B.A and M.A in Sociology from San Jose State University and Ph.D in Sociology from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Hortencia Jiménez is a Sociology professor at Hartnell College and founder of the Sociology Club and co-founder of the Student Parent Club. Her past teaching trajectory included the National Hispanic University, Pacific Oaks College, Gavilan College and CSU Monterey Bay. Before becoming a professor, Dr. Jiménez worked in the non-profit immigrant rights sector in the Bay Area as well as during her graduate work in Austin, Texas.

This work earned Dr. Jiménez the Human Relations Award in San Jose, CA, Resolution of Commendation by the County of Santa Clara, Board of Supervisors, Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition and Certificate of Recognition by the State of California, Senate.

Dr. Jiménez’s presentations are delivered through the lens of intersectionality and social and racial justice with a sociologist’s unique insights.


Dr. Hortencia Jiménez’s Featured Presentations and Workshops

Body Image Frameworks and Weight Neutrality: Embracing Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating

Dr. Hortencia Jimenez, a distinguished sociologist, professor, and activist, offers a compelling presentation that challenges societal norms and dismantles diet culture within Latinx communities. Through the lens of intersectionality and social and racial justice, Dr. Jimenez provides unique insights into body image frameworks and the concept of weight neutrality.

In this enlightening session, Dr. Jimenez will unpack the flawed notion that health is defined by a specific size or appearance. She will explore the various systems of oppression that shape our perceptions of our bodies, helping the audience understand the deep-rooted societal pressures that influence their self-image. With a focus on prioritizing health and self-nurturing over conforming to societal expectations, Dr. Jimenez empowers her audience to listen to their bodies and embrace their intuition.

Drawing from her extensive research and lived experiences as a BIPOC immigrant, Dr. Jimenez combines academic rigor with personal insights to provide a transformative learning experience. Attendees will leave with a profound understanding of how to care for themselves holistically, transcending the superficial standards imposed by society.

  • Redefining Health: Understand that health is not confined to a specific size or appearance, promoting a more inclusive view of well-being.

    Systems of Oppression: Unpack how various systems of oppression influence body image and self-perception, fostering awareness and resilience.

    Prioritizing Self-Care: Learn to prioritize health and self-care over societal norms, encouraging a more intuitive and self-compassionate approach to well-being.

    Empowerment through Knowledge: Gain insights from academic research and lived experiences, leaving empowered with the knowledge and tools to care for oneself authentically.

Dismantling Diet Culture: Understanding Intergenerational Dieting and Food Trauma

Dr. Hortencia Jimenez, a renowned sociologist, professor, and activist, presents an in-depth exploration into the pervasive influence of diet culture within our society, families, and communities. This session extends beyond traditional discussions, delving into the complexities of intergenerational dieting and food trauma.

Through the lens of intersectionality and social and racial justice, Dr. Jimenez dissects the intricate web of diet culture, highlighting how it shapes our relationship with food and our bodies. She will guide the audience through understanding the origins and perpetuation of diet culture, offering insights into the societal, familial, and community pressures that contribute to food-related issues.

The goal of this transformative presentation is to help attendees recognize the deep-rooted impact of diet culture, understand the reasons behind their struggles with food, and begin the journey toward a healthier, more positive relationship with eating. Dr. Jimenez's combination of academic expertise and personal experience as a BIPOC immigrant provides a unique and powerful perspective, empowering the audience to see food as a source of nourishment and joy rather than a tool for shame or control.

  • Understanding Diet Culture: Gain a comprehensive understanding of what diet culture is and how it influences our relationships with food and body image.

    Intergenerational Impact: Explore the effects of intergenerational dieting and food trauma, recognizing patterns and influences from family and community.

    Healing Relationship with Food: Learn strategies to move beyond diet culture, fostering a healthy and positive relationship with food that focuses on nourishment and well-being.

    Empowerment through Insight: Leave with a deeper awareness of the societal pressures surrounding food and body image, equipped with the knowledge to dismantle these harmful narratives in their own lives.

Food, Identity, and Justice: Navigating Food Issues in Immigration and BIPOC Communities

Dr. Hortencia Jimenez, a prominent sociologist, professor, and activist, delivers a profound presentation that explores the intricate relationship between food, immigration, and identity within BIPOC communities. This session is designed for health professionals, higher education institutions, and government/social services working closely with immigrants and BIPOC populations.

Through the lens of intersectionality and social and racial justice, Dr. Jimenez provides unique insights into the challenges immigrants face in navigating food in a new country while preserving their cultural identity. She addresses the common practice of imposing standard foods in the United States on immigrants, often disregarding their traditional cultural foods. Dr. Jimenez highlights the importance of food justice and the impact of food insecurities on the daily work of organizations serving these communities.

This presentation aims to deepen the understanding of how food justice and food insecurities influence the well-being and identity of immigrants. By recognizing and honoring the cultural significance of food, attendees will be better equipped to support BIPOC communities in a more empathetic and effective manner.

  • Food and Identity: Understand the complex relationship between food, identity, and culture in the context of immigration, recognizing the significance of traditional cultural foods.

    Challenges of Immigration: Explore the unique food-related challenges immigrants face, including the pressures to conform to standard dietary norms in the United States.

    Food Justice and Insecurities: Gain insights into the concepts of food justice and food insecurities, understanding their impact on the health and well-being of BIPOC communities.

    Empowering Support: Learn strategies to provide more effective and culturally sensitive support to immigrants and BIPOC communities, fostering a sense of belonging and respect for their cultural heritage.


Sarah Michelle Boes


Jessica Rasdall